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作者: 发布时间:2023-06-20
博士/副教授/硕导 EMAIL/taoshuo@lcu.edu.cn
| 科研方向/ 分子筛合成及催化性能
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2010.09—2016.07 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 工学博士 2005.09—2009.07 山东师范大学 理学学士
2021.01—至今 聊城大学1797巴黎人登录网址 副教授 2016.09—2020.12 聊城大学1797巴黎人登录网址 讲师
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,新型低共熔溶剂中假象转变法构筑整体式多级孔磷酸硅铝分子筛及其催化性能研究,2018-2020,主持 2. 山东省重点扶持区域急需紧缺人才计划项目,新型铜基分子筛技术攻关及其在国六柴油车尾气净化器上产业化应用,2022-2023,主持 3. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,基于非经典生长机理构筑低硅SAPO-34 分子筛介观晶体及其MTO 催化性能研究,2023—2025,主持 4. 山东省高等学校青年创新团队计划项目,分子筛封装纳米金属催化剂的构筑及其在低碳烷烃脱氢中的应用, 2022—2025,主持 5. 山东高校科技计划项目,面向具有高效催化性能的整体式多级孔磷酸硅铝分子筛可控 性制备研究, 2017—2019,主持 6. 聊城大学光岳青年学者创新团队项目,碳基能源高效催化转化,2022—2025,主持 7. 聊城市重点研发计划,国六柴油车尾气净化器核心催化剂技术攻关,2022-2025,主持
2021.07 聊城大学,聊城大学科学技术奖,自然科学一等奖,位次1 2022.09 聊城大学,聊城大学优秀本科毕业论文(李雪),指导教师
1. 陶硕; 厉晓蕾; 李露; 张翔宇; 具有三斜晶系的低硅磷酸铝基CHA分子筛及制备方法、应用, 2020-12-10, 中国, CN202011434517.3 2. 陶硕; 厉晓蕾; 李露; 张翔宇; 开放体系固相合成AEL结构磷酸铝基分子筛及制备方法、应用, 2020-12-10, 中国, CN202011434546.X 3. 陶硕; 厉晓蕾; 李露; 张翔宇; AEL结构多级孔整体式磷酸硅铝分子筛及其制备方法与应用, 2020-12-10, 中国, CN202011434504.6 4. 田志坚; 陶硕; 李大伟; 徐仁顺; 马怀军; 王炳春; 一种-CLO结构纳米磷酸铝分子筛的制备及分子筛, 2018-7-31, 中国, ZL201410787837.5 5. 田志坚; 陶硕; 厉晓蕾; 徐仁顺; 马怀军; 王炳春; 一种AEL结构多级孔磷酸硅铝分子筛的制备及分子筛, 2018-9-25, 中国, ZL201410783716.3
1. Shuo Tao,* Zhili Wang, Lei Wang, Xiaolei Li, Xue Li, Yujie Wang, Bo Wang, Wenwen Zi, Ying Wei, Kuizhi Chen, Zhijian Tian, Guangjin Hou,* Solid-State Synthesis of Aluminophosphate Zeotypes by Calcination of Amorphous Precursors. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1023c00258. 2. Shuo Tao,* Xiaolei Li, Xiaoge Wang, Ying Wei, Yunling Jia, Jing Ju, Yuanhui Cheng, Huaisheng Wang, Shuwen Gong, Xingjun Yao, Haixu Gao, Cunyin Zhang, Qiqi Zang, Zhijian Tian,* Facile Synthesis of Hierarchical Nanosized Single-Crystal Aluminophosphate Molecular Sieves from Highly Homogeneous and Concentrated Precursors, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2020, 59: 3455-3459. 3. Shuo Tao,* Xiangyu Zhang, Xue Li, Yujie Wang, Bo Wang, Yangyang Yuan, Dengqiang Zhang, Songrui Du, Xiaolei Li,* Hierarchical low-silica SAPO-34 with enhanced MTO performance: Mesopore template- and fluoride-free synthesis, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2023, 349: 112425. 4. Bo Wang, Jinsheng Zhao,* Hongxi Pan, Yunyun Dong, Xiaolei Li, Shuo Tao,* Construction of hierarchical core-shell Pt/USY@MSA bifunctional catalysts for hydroisomerization of n-hexadecane, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2023, 653: 119011. 5. Lu Li, Xiaolei Li,* Bo Wang, Wenwen Zi, Qing Ji, Yudong Li, Xiangyu Zhang, Yanlan Wang, Yanping Ding, Junhai Liu, Shuo Tao,* Ultrafast synthesis of discrete submicron AlPO4-LTA molecular sieve crystals and their application in molecular sieve membrane, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2022, 334: 111771. 6. Yuxiang Liu,* Dejiang Zheng, Shuo Tao, Yuchao Lyu, Xiaosheng Wang, Xinchun Liu, Shoukun Liu, Ming Li, Ruiyang Zhao, Shitao Yu,* Deoxygenation of stearic acids using alkaline treated beta molecular sieves assisted by microwave irradiation, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2021, 11: 4812-4822. 7. Yuanhui Cheng, Yinjian Guo, Ningyuan Zhang, Shuo Tao, Zhijian Liao, Yalan Wang, Zhonghua Xiang,* In situ growing catalytic sites on 3D carbon fiber paper as self-standing bifunctional air electrodes for air-based flow batteries, Nano Energy, 2019, 63: 103897. 8. Yuanhui Cheng, Ningyuan Zhang, Qiuli Wang, Yinjian Guo, Shuo Tao, Zhijian Liao, Peng Jiang, Zhonghua Xiang,* A long-life hybrid zinc flow battery achieved by dual redox couples at cathode, Nano Energy, 2019, 63: 103822. 9. Shuo Tao, Xiaolei Li,* Huimin Gong, Qike Jiang, Wenguang Yu, Huaijun Ma, Renshun Xu, Zhijian Tian,* Confined-space synthesis of hierarchical MgAPO-11 molecular sieves with good hydroisomerization performance, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2018, 262: 182-190. 10. Shuo Tao, Xiaolei Li,* Guang Lv, Congxin Wang, Renshun Xu, Huaijun Ma, Zhijian Tian,* Highly mesoporous SAPO-11 molecular sieves with tunable acidity: facile synthesis, formation mechanism and catalytic performance in hydroisomerization of n-dodecane, Catalysis Science & Technology, 2017, 7: 5775-5784. 11. Shuo Tao, Xiaolei Li, Renshun Xu, Dawei Li, Quanqun Zhang, Huaijun Ma, Yunpeng Xu, Zhijian Tian,* One-step synthesis of honeycomb-like AlPO4-11 macrostructures based on epitaxial growth and phase transformation mechanisms, Chemical Communications, 2016, 52: 2253-2256. 12. Shuo Tao, Renshun Xu, Xiaolei Li, Dawei Li, Huaijun Ma, Donge Wang, Yunpeng Xu, Zhijian Tian,* Synthesis of discrete aluminophosphate -CLO nanocrystals in a eutectic mixture, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 451: 117-124.
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