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作者: 发布时间:2018-11-19
TEL/ EMAIL/ sunlei@lcu.edu.cn |
科研方向/无机化学 |
讲授课程 《无机化学及分析实验》
教育经历 2008.9-2012.7聊城大学1797巴黎人登录网址 理学学士 2012.9-2017.7 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所 理学博士 科研项目 获奖情况 论著一览 相关成果 [1] L. Sun, H. Chen, C. B. Ma, C. N. Chen*, “Dodenuclear [MnIII8LnIII4] clusters with 2-(hydroxymethyl)pyridine: syntheses, structures, and magnetic properties”, Dalton Trans., 2015, 44, 20964-20971. [2] L. Sun, H. Chen, C. B. Ma, C. N. Chen*, “A new topology of hexanuclear [MnIII4LnIII2] clusters: syntheses, structures, and magnetic properties”, RSC. Adv., 2016, 6, 12408-12413. [3] L. Sun, H. Chen, C. B. Ma, C. N. Chen*, “A new family of interdimer [MnII2LnIII2]2 clusters: syntheses, structures, and magnetic properties”, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2016, 70, 132-135. [4] L. Sun, H. Chen, C. B. Ma, C. N. Chen*,“A new topology of hexanuclear Mn/Ln clusters: Synthesis, structures and magnetic properties”, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2017, 77, 77-79. [5] L. Sun, H. Chen, C. B. Ma, C. N. Chen*, “Hexanuclear and Tetranuclear Mn/Ln clusters using 2-(hydroxymethyl)pyridine: Synthesis, Structures and Magnetic Properties”, Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2017, 31:e3846. |