| 《物理化学》《物理化学实验》《物理化学中级实验》 2018.06至今,聊城大学1797巴黎人登录网址,讲师 2011.9-2018.7 厦门大学1797巴黎人登录网址,博士(硕博连读) 2007.9-2011.7 聊城大学1797巴黎人登录网址,学士 国家自然科学基金青年项目,阴离子调控多级孔氧化铝的合成及其在加氢脱金属催化剂的应用,2021-2023主持 山东省自然科学基金,多级孔氧化铝载体的定向调控及其在渣油加氢处理催化剂的应用,2019-2022主持 聊城大学科研启动基金,主持 [1] Yunyun Dong, Lin Gu, Chenghuan Wang, Yuchang Du, Wang Bo, Hongmei Du, Yanlan Wang, Jinsheng Zhao*. Synthesis of a Co-Nx type catalyst derived from the pyrolysis of a covalent triazine-based framework for oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2022, 924: 116879. [2] Lin Gu, Yunyun Dong,* Yan Zhang, Bo Wang, Qing Yuan, Hongmei Du, Jinsheng Zhao*. Insights into the role of a Fe–N active site in the oxygen reduction reaction on carbon-supported supramolecular catalysts. RSC Advance, 2020, 10: 8709-8716. [3] Lin Gu, Yunyun Dong, Hongmei Du, Yan Zhang, Qing Yuan, Bo Wang, Huimin Wang, Jinsheng Zhao*, Ningqiang Zhang. Preparation and characterization of nitrogen-riched polymer based materials and the role of Cu-N active site in promoting the ORR activity of the catalyst. Catalysis Surveys from Asia, 2020, 24: 219–231. [4] Yunyun Dong, Xiang Yu, Yao Zhou, Yingrui Xu, Xinyi Lian, Xiaodong Yi*, Weiping Fang. Towards active macro-mesoporous hydrotreating catalyst: Synthesis and assembly of mesoporous alumina microspheres. Catalysis Science & Technology, 2018, 8: 1892-1904. [5] Yunyun Dong, Yingrui Xu, Yuqi Zhang, Xinyi Lian, Xiaodong Yi*, Yao Zhou*, Weiping Fang. Synthesis of hierarchically structured alumina support with adjustable nanocrystalline aggregation towards efficient hydrodesulfurization. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2018, 559: 30-39. [6] Yunyun Dong, Zhou Chen, Yingrui Xu, Lefu Yang, Weiping Fang, Xiaodong Yi*. Template-free synthesis of hierarchical meso-macroporous γ-Al2O3 support: Superior hydrodemetallization performance. Fuel Processing Technology, 2017, 168: 65-73. [7] 连奕新, 董云芸, 方维平, 韩保平, 冯光平. 镁铝复合氧化物为载体的甲烷化催化剂及其制备方法. ZL. 2015 1 0306642.9 |