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作者: 发布时间:2023-03-29
博士/副教授 EMAIL/ lujing@lcu.edu.cn | 科研方向/化学工程与工艺 |
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2011.9-2016.7,中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所,博士,化学工艺; 2007.9-2011.7,曲阜师范大学,学士,化学工程与技术。
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时间 | 项目名称 | 批准单位 | 到账经费(万) | 级别 | 研究情况 |
2018.01 | 季铵盐双子表面活性剂对石油焦成浆性能的影响及机理研究21808097 | 国家自然科学基金委 | 25 | 国家自然科学基金青年基金 | 已结题 |
2019.7 | 应用季铵盐双子表面活性剂作为分散剂助剂改善石油焦成浆性能的基础研究ZR2019PB030 | 山东省科技厅 | 5 | 山东省自然科学基金培养基金 | 已结题 |
2022.01 | 水性助剂—涂料聚氨酯增稠剂的现状及展望 | 聊城大学1797巴黎人登录网址 | 4 | 院级 | 已结题 |
2022.1 | 苯丙乳液聚氨酯类增稠剂的研发 | 聊城大学 | 20 | 横向课题 | 在研 |
[1] Dongmei Lv, Hui Yan, Huijun Wu, Zhiqi Zheng, Xuejie Zhang, Jing Li, Shuwen Gong. Effect of modification by Gemini cationic surfactant on the properties of slurries prepared with petroleum coke: Experiments and molecular dynamics simulation. Fuel, 2022, 317, 123541.
[2] Huijun Wu, Dongmei Lv, Yunhao Nie, Tingao Jiang, Jing Li, Shuwen Gong*, Hui Yan*. Experimental and computational studies of polycarboxylate dispersant effect on the properties of low-rank coal water slurries. 2022, 17(6): e2837.
[3] Dongmei Lv, Qi Liu, Chenyong Wang, Huijun Wu, Na Zhao, Baolin Yin, Xilian Wei, Jing Li. Imparting pH and temperature dual-responsiveness in a micellar solution of cationic surfactant by introducing a hydrotrote. Soft matter, 2022, 18, 5249.
[4] Dongmei Lv, Huijun Wu, Chenyong Wang, Zhiqi Zheng, Xuejie Zhang, Jing Li, Shunwen Gong. Properties of direct coal liquefaction residue water slurry: Effect of mineral matters by acid-leaching demineralization. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 17, e2781.
[5] Dongmei Lv, Huijun Wu, Jianzhang Niu, Yiyao Cheng, Jing Li, Shuwen Gong. Blending principles of petroleum coke and low-rank coal to prepare high quality slurries. International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization. (Accepted in 2021.8)
[6] Dongmei Lv, Qi Liu, Huijun Wu, Yiyao Cheng, Chenyong Wang, Baolin Yin, Xilian Wei, Jing Li. A pH, thermal and light triple-stimuli responsive micellar solution formed by a cationic surfactant and trans-o-hydroxycinnamic acid. Soft Matter, 2021, 17, 9210.
[7] Qi Liu, Dongmei Lv, Junhong Zhang, Chengcheng Huang, Baolin Yin, Xilian Wei, Jing Li. Triple-responsive wormlike micelles based on cationic surfactant and sodium trans-o-methoxycinnamic acid. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 114680.
[8] Dongmei Lv, Zongqing Bai, Wei YuChi, Jin Bai, Lingxue Kong, Zhenxing Guo, Jingchong Yan, Wen Li. An approach for utilization of direct coal liquefaction residue: Blending with low-rank coal to prepare slurries for gasification. Fuel, 2015, 145, 143-150.
[9] Dongmei Lv, Zongqing Bai1, Wei Yuchi, Jin Bai, Lingxue Kong, Zhenxing Guo, Xiao Li, Junli Xu, Wen Li. Properties of direct coal liquefaction residue water slurry: Effect of treatment by low temperature pyrolysis. Fuel, 2016, 179, 135-140.
[10] 吕冬梅,尉迟唯,白宗庆,白进,李文. 煤直接液化残渣制备水渣浆性质的研究. 燃料化学学报, 2013, 41(12): 1437-1444.
[11] Dongmei Lv, Wei YuChi, Zongqing Bai, Jin Bai, Wen Li. Slurryability of direct coal liquefaction residue and Shangwan coal mixture. The 12th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, 2013, 08, P20. (Fukuoka, Japan)
[12] Dongmei Lv, Wei YuChi, Zongqing Bai, Jin Bai, Wen Li. Effect of pyrolysis temperature on the properties of direct coal liquefaction residue char water slurries. The 13th China-Japan Symposium on Coal and C1 Chemistry, 2015, 08, OC-06. (Dunhuang, China)
[13] Dongmei Lv, Zongqing Bai, Wei YuChi, Jin Bai and Wen Li. An investigation of mineral matters affecting properties of direct coal liquefaction residue water slurry. 2015 International Conference on Coal Science &Technology, 2015, 09, 3127293. (Melbourne, Austrilia)